Summer of Writing

Stay focused on your writing & develop (or reclaim!) a consistent writing schedule

with intentional goal-setting, a supportive community,
AND juicy creativity-sparking practices that will carry you through writing for this summer and beyond.

Love Notes from Clients

"I am writing a novel! It is the first time that I gave myself permission to write something just for me, that isn't about work and getting things done. Now I write on it every morning and I am so happy the rest of the day. Thank you for opening the space."


“Thank you for this weekly live writing time. It's nourishing something creative that wants to be born.”


"I get so much done on these live writing calls. They always end with me sending something off, like an outline for a series of articles to a magazine editor."


Ready to make oodles of progress on your book (pages written, clarity gained, inspiration reignited)… while still ENJOYING your summer?!

If you want to…

🌴 Develop (or reclaim) a regular & accountable writing routine

🌴 Fuel (or reignite) your writing with a community that cheers each other on

🌴 Stack up pages - whether you want to finish a draft (or a rewrite), complete a book proposal, or something else

🌴 Stay committed to your book

without chaining yourself to your desk, you’re in the right place!

If the thought of hitting September without making ANY progress on your book makes you cringe…

BUT you also want to enjoy sun-soaked beach days, picnics in the park, and days splashing at the pool…

Summer of Writing is for you.

Here’s the thing: there’s nothing wrong with taking the summer OFF from writing.

I am DEFINITELY NOT here to tell you that you must buckle down, close your window shades, and chain yourself to your desk to keep churning out words.

If you want two months off, go have fun! And maybe I’ll see you in September. (Cue sappy ballad by The Happenings.)

Here’s the thing, buttercup:

You can have your ice cream cone and eat it too.

By that I mean–

You CAN: 

🍦Get all the sunshine and outdoors time you want

🍦Enjoy delicious time at camp, up the mountains, at the beach or by the pool

🍦Have adventures with your kids while they’re home

While still meeting your word count goals.

So let’s blow some fairy dust on those blank pages and watch them magically fill up with writing. 

But if you’re like me, you just might want both: a fabulous summer to remember AND focused time generating pages on your book.

Hey there!
My name is Brooke
Adams Law.

I’m an award-winning author who’s helped dozens of writers develop a consistent writing routine, channel the books that are inside them and unleash their voice so they can share their brave and beautiful words with the world. I’ve taught tons of workshops, spoken at summits, and been featured on numerous podcasts. I’m also the founder and CEO of a hybrid publishing company, Writing Brave Press. 

My debut novel Catchlight won the Fairfield Book Prize, was named a Best Indie Book of 2020 by Kirkus Reviews, and was featured on Good Morning America’s blog. 

I know that for you, your book isn’t just a book. It’s a calling. 

Ready to clarify your writing goals for the summer - and actually ensure that you’ll meet them?

Here’s exactly what you get:

We’re going to:

☀️ Create intentions for how we want to feel this summer - in our writing and in our lives

☀️ Leverage the power of clear, measurable, realistic goals

☀️ Set mini benchmarks that leave plenty of room for travel, childcare, and your must-have summer experiences

☀️ Write live together once (or twice) a week

☀️ Plan & execute a self-guided writing retreat

And have a ton of fun while we do it!

The core of the program includes:

➡️ Twice-weekly live writing time. We’ll jump on Zoom as a group, start off with a quote about writing, and write on our own for an hour. This will be offered on Monday mornings and Thursday evenings (Eastern time).

➡️ Opening ceremony on the Summer Solstice

➡️ Closing ceremony at the end of August

➡️ Goal-setting guidance & support. Set summer writing goals that are actually achievable (no more pie-in-the-sky goals that aren’t grounded in reality and only result in feelings of guilt). Set yourself mini weekly benchmarks to stay on track.

➡️ Super-active Facebook group with twice-weekly check-ins, celebrations, and pop-up pep talks from yours truly

Plus, you’ve got two amazing upgrade options if you want to add additional accountability and support - see below!

Summer of Writing is a two-month group accountability program designed to help you set clear, actionable goals summer writing goals and actually meet them… so you can jump into autumn with a consistent writing practice that will serve you until your book is complete. 

Here Are Your Options:

Just the Basics:

☀️ Opening ceremony 

☀️ Closing ceremony 

☀️ Twice-weekly live writing time (Monday mornings at 11am Eastern; Thursday evenings at 8pm Eastern)

☀️ Guidance to set clear goals with mini weekly benchmarks

☀️ Super-active Facebook group with weekly check-ins, celebrations, and pep talks

(or 2 payments of $99,

or 3 payments of $67)

VIP (most popular!):

☀️ Everything included under Just the Basics 


☀️ Small accountability pods (assigned, then self-directed)

☀️ 2 monthly writing labs 

☀️ Feedback on one chapter (submit up to 3,000 words and receive a detailed editorial letter)

(or 2 payments of $249)


☀️ Everything included under Just the Basics, the VIP accountability pods & writing labs 


☀️ Monthly editorial support (submit up to 5,000 words, receive editorial letter, and a 1:1 coaching session)

(or 2 payments of $549)

A little detail on the Premier option…

What I’ve found in my coaching, and in my own writing, is that feedback plus accountability moves the needle toward our best writing. 

Here’s how the two months of editorial support works:

➡️ You’ll fill out a short intake form upon signing up, and will be matched with a Writing Brave editor

➡️ On the 13th of the month, you’ll submit a section of your work, up to 5,000 words

➡️ Your editor will send you an in-depth editorial letter detailing what’s working in the piece and how to make it stronger

➡️ You’ll then get a private 45-minute coaching session with your editor. You can review the feedback, ask questions, and/or problem-solve what’s happening in your writing

➡️ Summer of Writing includes two months of editorial support (July and August). Deadlines are not transferable - you can’t roll over into September.

Plus, check out these bonuses…!

✨Your Self-Guided Writing Retreat Resource Pack✨
A PDF with guidance for YOUR self-guided, solo summer writing retreat (whether it’s four hours or four days)... with tips for how to get away, sample schedules, and tons of ideas to spark your creativity.

✨Enter to Win Fun Writing Prize Packs!✨
What’s more fun than prizes?! Every week that you meet your own pre-set writing goals, you’ll get entered to win a prize - think fancy chocolate, bath salts, a custom journal.

✨Intuitive Writing Activation Library✨

A library of pre-recorded audio activations that will help you tap into your own juicy, intuitive writing magic anytime, anywhere - even if you can’t make it to the live writing calls. 

✨Your Writing Process Blueprint✨

Dig deep into developing your OWN intuitive writing process with my signature blueprint. 

Summer of Writing is ideal for you if: 

  • You want to stay focused on your writing goals this summer - whatever they may be!

  • You’re supported by accountability (we’ll have a weekly check-in in the Facebook group) and deadlines (upgrade to submit your work!)

  • You need a little extra motivation to sit down at your desk when the sun is shining

  • You want to develop (or reclaim) a consistent writing routine that you can actually stick to

Let’s make your writing feel as fun as an evening around the fire pit sharing s’mores with friends.


“I loved my experience working with Brooke. Her wisdom, knowledge, and breadth of field exceeded my expectations. She helped me understand my writing process and trust it.”

-Nadia Ahrens

“Brooke is such a bright light. Her work works because of her knowledge of the industry and love of writing.”

-Kathy Donnelly

“My identity as a writer has evolved since working with brooke. I felt my creativity flourish. Being able to step into another world and lose track of time has been the most magical experience.”

-Liza Pincsak


  • Monday mornings at 11am Eastern time AND
    Thursday evenings at 8pm Eastern time

    All sessions will happen on Zoom.

    You can attend one or both at any point.

    Can’t make one (or either) of the writing time slots? You’ll still get access to alll the resources listed above, AND get to check in inside the Facebook group to share your writing goal for the week and report back on how it went.

    The Intuitive Writing Activation Library will have tons of audio meditations to help you get in the writing zone whenever you’re ready to drop in and channel some words. Plus, the What to Do When You Get Stuck Planner is on hand for when you need to overcome an obstacle to your writing… whatever it may be!

    Don’t underestimate the power of community, accountability, and some intuitive magic to help you meet your goals.

  • No problem! Sign in on the road OR skip sessions for the time you’re away - then come right back and dive in again when you’re home.

    Plus, you can still check in inside the Facebook group to tell us what routine you’re going to get right back into as soon as you’re back.

  • Group writing time will NOT be recorded.

    The opening and closing ceremonies WILL be recorded, as will the monthly writing labs included in the VIP and Premier tiers.

  • Writing labs will be craft-focused. Topics will be decided based on a feedback survey sent in late June before the program begins. There will be time for Q&A included.


Summer of Writing is NOT a punishing, chain-yourself-to-your-desk school of sensory deprivation.

This is a fun, community-based group program where we show up and write together, celebrate our wins, and get support when we need it.

Plus, we’ll be identifying the must-have summer experiences we’re craving - and making time for those - alongside staying focused on our writing.

Let’s be honest…

How many times have you gone into summer with big goals…

And you hit autumn, the back to school rush, leaves falling off the trees, and you’ve barely made any progress at all - and you’re left wondering, where did all that time go??

Maybe you’re not someone who wants to write a lot this summer… but you’ve made it this far down this sales page and so my guess is that you want to make big moves, and show up brave with your words in a supportive environment.

Summer of Writing isn’t just about the live writing time. It’s about the community and the accountability. And let me tell you… those really CAN make all the difference. 

Here’s what I believe…

Writing a book does NOT have to be painful, confusing, or boring. It can be fun, pleasurable, and delicious.

Your desire to write is a CALLING to write. Answer the call. 

Your words matter.

To quote Brene Brown: “Unused creativity is not benign.” Use yours, so that it doesn’t eat you alive.

Being in the process of writing (instead of in resistance) unlocks vast stores of energy and opportunity

Imagine this: back-to-school energy is swirling in the air…

And instead of feeling stuck, frustrated, and annoyed that you’ve barely written at all, you’re feeling…

Zingy, like you’ve got inspiration on tap

Expansive, because you’ve written so many words

Trusting yourself, because you actually did what you committed to

And filled up with amazing summer experiences that you can now treasure in your memory forever?

Let’s do this. 

Here Are Your Options:

Just the Basics:

☀️ Opening ceremony 

☀️ Closing ceremony 

☀️ Twice-weekly live writing time (Monday mornings at 11am Eastern; Thursday evenings at 8pm Eastern)

☀️ Guidance to set clear goals with mini weekly benchmarks

☀️ Super-active Facebook group with weekly check-ins, celebrations, and pep talks

(or 2 payments of $99, or 3 payments of $67)

VIP (most popular!):

☀️ Everything included under Just the Basics 


☀️ Small accountability pods (assigned, then self-directed)

☀️ 2 monthly writing labs 

☀️ Feedback on one chapter (submit up to 3,000 words and receive a detailed editorial letter)

(or 2 payments of $249)


☀️ Everything included under Just the Basics, the VIP accountability pods & writing labs 


☀️ Monthly editorial support (submit up to 5,000 words, receive editorial letter, and a 1:1 coaching session)

(or 2 payments of $549)