how to bust out of a rut {4 of 4}

Welcome to the final week of our 4-part series on how to bust out of a creative rut. 

(Catch up on week 1, week 2, or week 3 if you missed them!)

Here’s tool #3: lower your expectations of yourself

If you’re in a writing rut, ask yourself: am I expecting more from myself than I can currently give to my writing? 

Chances are, you might be. 

If you expect yourself to write every day for an hour… but you’re not showing up to the page (or you’re showing up but staring into space and not writing anything new)... try this: write for 20 minutes instead.

Recently I had an amazing download for a very fun storyline, and I went through a bout of writing for an hour every day and getting a TON of words written. 

And then… I stopped writing for about a month.

Part of that was related to some things I’m moving through in my personal life. 

And then I realized that part of it was because I no longer had the capacity to keep writing for an hour every single day. 

I went back to aiming for 20 minutes, three days a week… and now I’m back to wishing I could write for LONGER. 

Lower your expectations… and see what magic unfolds. 

Also, a 5th pro tip… sunshine. If you can’t get sunshine, try taking some vitamin D. 


How to take a break from writing 🌴 without losing momentum (or losing your mind)


how to bust out of a rut {3 of 4}