🔑the real key to finishing your book {redux}
One of my all-time favorite quotes about what it really takes to finish a book is from my client Kelli Thompson (author of Closing the Confidence Gap, a Next Big Idea book):
“Consistency isn’t sexy, but it works.”
When Kelli was in my Writing Brave Mastermind {enrollment opens in November! get on the waitlist here}, I watched her be amazingly consistent.
She showed up for every class.
She submitted her writing on time every month.
She set writing appointments on her calendar and showed up for them every week.
And she started, finished and published her book in about 15 months.
Consistency isn’t sexy, but it works.
Photo by Yannick Pulver
If you’re struggling to finish your book, take a moment to slow down and be honest with yourself:
Are you showing up for your book consistently?
If you’re not, what would it take to do that?
Maybe you need to reach out to a writing buddy and schedule a weekly Zoom date to write together.
Maybe you need to ask a friend or family member to be your accountability partner, and you’ll commit to emailing them a certain number of words each week.
(Maybe you need to hire a writing coach!)
Whatever that little voice in you is asking for, give it to yourself. Give yourself the support you need to keep writing, be consistent, and get your book done.
I’m cheering you on every step of the way.
If you’re like, “Brooke, this sounds great, but HOW do I write a book anyway? I don’t know what to do next!” or you’re craving luscious amounts of support and community, get added to the waitlist for the Writing Brave Mastermind here. Enrollment opens in November. There are only sixteen spots, and folks on the waiting list get to enroll early.