when to switch up your writing routine

Need a burst of fresh air to blow through your work in progress?

Try switching up your writing routine.

I've talked a lot about how my bite-size writing routine of late has been 200 words a day. 

That was working really well while I was drafting a lot of new pages and exploring my book. 

But now I'm in a different phase: restructuring. And 200 words a day didn't make sense if I was working on an outline. 

So I switched to a time based routine: 30 minutes a day, four days a day week. It has been bomb!! So good. 

(A quick aside to say: Resistance has also been up. As in, when I'm sitting down to write I never "feel" like writing. But once I start, time disappears.)

If you're feeling a little stuck or uncreative, try one of these hacks to breathe fresh life into your routine:

  • Switch from a word count routine to a time based routine, or vice versa

  • Switch up the location where you write: try a new coffee shop, hit the library, or sit in the lobby of a fancy hotel

  • Try going for a walk before you sit down. This always gets the juices flowing for me! (If it's raining, I'll do yoga instead.)

  • Add a little pleasure to your routine: a new type of coffee or tea, a scented candle, an oracle card.

Try one (or all of these!) and let me know how it goes.


how to bust out of a rut {1 of 4}


the beauty of inefficiency