Design your personal roadmap to getting your book off your computer’s hard drive and into readers’ hands… inside
Published: Your Roadmap from Manuscript to Book
Claim your power as an author and publish your book on your terms.
Let’s be honest…
something that virtually ALL aspiring writers want is to publish their books… WITHOUT massive confusion about how to do that, second-guessing whether you made the right choice, or late-night Googling tyring to piece information together, when you don’t even know what you don’t know.
The problem is…
one of these three things (or maybe a combination) is almost always stopping writers from achieving their publishing dreams on their terms. Which one do you identify with?
You have no idea how to get your book published - or even where to start.
You want to get your book published so badly - and yet, you don’t even know where to start. The process seems completely opaque and the industry is so volatile that you have a deep fear that you’ll never be able to break into it.
You’re convinced you have to finish your book first - before you even THINK about publishing.
This is a mistake. Deciding which publishing pathway you’ll pursue WHILE writing your book has huge advantages: it helps you see yourself as a real author (which changes how you show up to the page); it allows you to shape your book toward your intended pathway; and it takes some of the fear and confusion out of the process while giving you a target to aim for.
You’re stuck in a limiting belief that’s locked you into place and is actively preventing you from moving forward.
Thoughts like “self-publishing isn’t legitimate” or “traditional publishing is way too hard to break into” or “hybrid publishers/vanity presses are just preying on authors” are really common. And, they do not allow you to evaluate all your options clearly.
Any of these sound familiar?
Deferring their dream of publication because they just don’t know what to do
Blocking themselves in their writing because the next step feels too big / scary / confusing
Refusing to think about publishing at all and focusing all their energy solely on craft - hoping that writing a really good book will be enough [it’s not]
Having publishing experiences that are a let-down because their expectations were not reasonable
Being taken advantage of by an agent or publishing company because they didn’t have all the information
Plus, the problem is many aspiring authors find themselves…
If any of these are ringing (uncomfortably!) true for you, know this:
You are not alone in feeling this way. And yes, you CAN take back your power and make the publishing decision that’s best for you and your book. I’m here to show you how.
Hi. I’m Brooke Adams Law, founder of Writing Brave.
I hold a Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing from Fairfield University, and a bachelor’s degree in English from Vassar College.
I’m an experienced book coach. I’ve self-published and traditionally published my own books, and I also run Writing Brave Press, a hybrid publishing company.
But what makes me different is I’m not trying to sell you on why you should publish with me. Instead, I want to provide you with all the knowledge you need to make an empowered publishing decision for you and your book.
I help writers step into their author identity so they can publish the book of their dreams.
I’m the award-winning author of Catchlight, which won the Fairfield Book Prize, was named a Best Indie Book of 2020 by Kirkus Reviews, and was featured on Good Morning America’s blog.

Ready to take back your power and learn EXACTLY what you need to know to get your book published - without confusion, overwhelm, or regrets?
“I had no idea about the different publishing pathways until I took Brooke’s course. Understanding the different routes to publication helped me get clear on which pathway to take, the steps to get there, and gave me the guardrails for my book to unfold. As Brooke shared her knowledge, I instantly felt an ease wash over me as I intuitively knew which direction to take. Thank you, Brooke, for being a beacon in the book world!”
-Nadia Ahrens
With my raved-about approach to understanding and evaluating the three publishing pathways, I know that it’s absolutely possible for you to get to a place where you have:
ALL the insider knowledge you need about how the publishing industry operates
The tools to make an empowered decision about how to publish
A super-clear action plan (I’m talking start to finish) for how to pursue the publishing pathway you choose
A clear model for future decision making (gather information, identify non-negotiables, make a clear decision, map out your game plan)
Because at the end of the day, I’m here to take a stand for:
A judgment-free zone.
Publishing is all about trade-offs; there is no pathway that’s superior to any other pathway.
An ethical stand in the industry.
Knowledge is power, so we’re going to pull back the curtain (and eliminate gate-keepers).
Author empowerment.
Let’s get real about how the money works, how the rights work, and where you’re willing to house your book.
Published: Your Roadmap from Draft to Book
A digital course for aspiring authors who want a personal roadmap to getting their book off their computer’s hard drive and into readers’ hands
Here’s exactly what you’ll get:
Super-detailed videos about each of the three main publishing pathways: traditional, self and hybrid publishing.
For each pathway, you’ll learn:
➔ What it is and how it works ➔ How the money works
➔ How the rights work ➔ The timeline to publication
➔ Barriers to entry ➔ What you can expect to sell
➔ The tradeoffs: what you gain and what you lose with that pathway
You’ll learn:
➔ Why they chose the pathway they did, and what have been the pros and the cons
➔ The most important thing to take into account when you’re making your publishing pathway decision
➔ Some real numbers
These real-world stories will help you contextualize your knowledge and understand how publishing actually played out with real people and real books.
You’ll get all the support you need to make the best publishing pathway decision for YOU. Resources include:
➔ Discovering Your Non-Negotiables Worksheet
➔ The Choose Your Publishing Adventure decision tree
➔ Audio Activation: How Does Your Book Want to Be Born?
➔ Video: Make a Clear Decision
Once you’ve made your decision and advanced to module 4, you’ll get a super-detailed, step-by-step action plan for your pathway.
In other words - no matter which pathway you choose, you’ll know EXACTLY what to do first, second, third, fourth, and so on.
This road map leads straight to publication. (Obviously, we can’t control the traditional publishing industry; but if you pursue it and it doesn’t pan out, you can come back to module 3, choose another pathway, and get your book published.)
Do the work.
Achieve your dream.
Get published.
Your investment:
just $197
“Brooke's work is fantastic and high quality, always. Her Published course gives an amazing overview of the three publishing pathways, the tradeoffs of each one and how to navigate them. If you've got questions about how to get your book out of your brain and into the world, this course beats late-night googling, hands down. Stellar information by a brillant human!”
-Dr. Errin Weisman, founder of Physician Coaching Alliance
Don’t let yourself be…
Slowed down bringing your book into the world because you can’t picture how you’re going to get it published
At the mercy of other people’s opinions (who may not have your best interests at heart)
Led down a publishing path that doesn’t actually get the result YOU want for you and your work of art
Too many people feel as if getting their book published is out of their hands. That doesn’t have to be true.