✍️ Tam’s mastermind story

In February of 2020, I ran my first in-person writing retreat. (We had no idea what was coming!)

I hired my good friend Tam Orlando, interior design extraordinaire (and genius behind Reclaim Your Space), to support me during the event. She helped me design the look and feel of the event, transforming an ordinary conference-y meeting room into an intimate, beautiful retreat space.

And it turned out… she had a book inside her. She started writing it during the retreat, and the following year she joined the first-ever cohort of my Writing Brave Mastermind.

Here’s what she had to say about the mastermind experience, which supported her to write most of a draft of her memoir of loving outside the boxes:

There’s this beautiful energy of the space that you held. And what was so unique about the way you held the container [of the mastermind] and guided us through was so much awareness that when we’re writing, it’s such a vulnerable practice. It takes us to very vulnerable places that can be really terrifying sometimes.

“To have someone guide you through that with the tenderness and with the awareness of what it takes to hold that and move those emotions through - you grow in the process. Growth is a complicated mess of emotions. I can’t imagine doing that work with someone who hadn’t been so clearly grounded in that awareness.

So if a book is calling your name - because I think that’s how books do it - they come in and they're like, ‘will you write me?’ - if you need that support, Writing Brave Mastermind is a really beautiful container.”

Enrollment for the fifth cohort of Writing Brave Mastermind opens in November. The mastermind begins in January.

Join the mastermind waitlist to receive early enrollment access.

Want to hear more of Tam’s story? Check out her full testimonial video here: https://youtu.be/Kbw0xEob1p0.


✨30 days of writing magic


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