
Years ago when I read Liz Gilbertā€™s Big Magic, I was very struck by her admonition to follow your curiosity. 

Following your passion, she wrote, is usually too big a task. We get all jammed up: is this my passion? What IS my passion? What does passion even feel like?!?

Curiosity, she said, is often easier to follow. 

She told this in conjunction with a story about writing the follow-up memoir to her global bestseller Eat Pray Love. She realized when she finished the draft of that book that it wasnā€™t her. She was trying to write in a voice that didnā€™t fit her anymore. 

So she stopped writing. She returned the advance sheā€™d received. 

And she started gardening. 

In fact, she created an insane vegetable garden, after years of her adult life spent not having a garden at all. 

And through the gardening, she got the idea for her next novel, The Signature of All Things. (Which is completely fucking brilliant, by the way - read it if you havenā€™t yet!)

Iā€™m in a strange season of life - going through some intense personal things. 

During this season, I have been watching an insane amount of The Great British Baking Show. (Bakeoff, if you live outside the US.)

Like: once I finished all the seasons on Netflix I googled around until I found where the old seasons are housed. (You can stream them for free on the Roku app. I donā€™t have a Roku, so Iā€™ve proceeded to watch these old episodes on my phone.)

Then I googled around for the best gluten-free baking cookbook out there. Experts agreed it was Baked to Perfection by Katarina Cermelj. 

And I, who have never baked in my life (anything more than brownies from a box), have been baking all the time. 

Baking doesnā€™t have to mean anything. I donā€™t suddenly feel compelled to open a bakery, or to write a novel about someone who leaves the big city to open a small-town cupcake shop (although thereā€™s nothing wrong with those novels and I adore Jenny Colgan). 

Iā€™m not going to start a side hustle selling gluten free cookies out of my kitchen. 

Iā€™m just enjoying myself. I find baking very soothing. And then at the end you have something sweet to eat. 

Iā€™m just following my curiosity.

What have you been longing to do / try / experience lately? 

Follow the bread crumbs. Who knows where theyā€™ll lead.


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