the life cycle of a project

More than ten years ago, I found this image in a meme online:

I was writing my first novel, Catchlight, at the time, and I thought this was pretty accurate. 

Then I couldn’t find the photo or the meme or any of it…for the next ten years. 

Fast forward to 2022: I was in Nashville with friends and I insisted that we go to Parnassus Books (Ann Patchett’s bookstore). 

I found a hardback version of Steal Like an Artist, by Austin Kleon, which I had never read. I flipped through the pages…and opened to The Life of a Project. 

Bam. I’d found it. 

I see a lot of writers stop writing after the initial rush of their book idea. 

They “lose inspiration.” 

They “just can’t find the time… maybe when [insert any life event] is over.”

Today I just want to remind you that ALL artists experience the roller coaster of emotion when making a project. 

It’s the best idea in the world! 
It’s the worst idea in the world. 

No one else can do this justice but me!
I can never do it justice. 

This is totally normal. Nothing has gone wrong here

The next time this happens to you, notice that it’s happening. Then tell your brain: Oh, this is the part where… (and find where you are on the life cycle of a project). 

The ups and downs don’t mean there’s anything wrong with you, your idea, or your writing ability. 

They’re just literally part of the process. 

Happy writing.




the real key to finishing your book