how to bust out of a rut {2 of 4}

Welcome to post 2 of our 4-part series on how to bust out of a creative rut. 

(Missed #1? Check it out here.)

Here’s your second tool to bust out of a creative rut: Meet new people. 

On a recent Sunday night, I went to a birthday party for a new friend.

(Yes, my sister was shocked that I went out on a Sunday night.)

One of the folks I met jokingly said, as we ordered a second round of drinks, “It’s 8:15 - practically my bedtime!” 

And I laughed really hard because I COULD RELATE. 

Having kiddos means my social life is more limited. And that’s okay. 

It’s also important for me to carve out time to do new things and meet new people

In this case, I met someone new and we decided to start a steamy book club together. IT’S HAPPENING. 

So, my challenge to you: meet someone new this week. 

Try a free meetup in your town for something you’re interested in (hiking, knitting, Dungeons & Dragons, WHATEVER.)

Introduce yourself to the barista you see every week (maybe every day) and ask them a question about their life. 

Try a free class at the library or community center… and introduce yourself to someone. 

It might take a few tries to meet someone with whom you want to pursue a friendship… but hang in there, because when you do, it lifts your spirits like nothing else. 

Quickest way out of a rut… meet someone new. 

Godspeed and good luck!


how to bust out of a rut {3 of 4}


the bliss of white space