the bliss of white space

It has a direct impact on creativity.

Something miraculous happened this school year when we finally got my seven-year-old son into after-school care. 

The result is… So. Much. White. Space. 

I’m accustomed to fitting my work into a 9-3 day. Since I now leave to pick up the kids around 5, I suddenly have acres of time. 

The first week of after-care, I was ahead on my to-do list every day. I ran errands I’d been putting off for weeks. I talked to my dad and my sister on the phone. 

I had blissful solo drives to pick up my daughter. 

And I watched as something interesting happened, especially when my son begged me to pick him up later than 5pm because he was having so much fun: my anxiety surfaced. 

There was anxiety that I wasn’t a good enough parent. And anxiety that I didn’t deserve all this unstructured time. And anxiety that something bad was going to happen - that the other shoe was going to drop. 

I watched the anxiety surface. I was able to stay with it until it ebbed. 

It’s still poking its head out occasionally. I say hi to it. 

And otherwise… I’m enjoying feeling more like myself again. I’m not always pressed for time. I’m more patient with my kids (and with myself). I have more time to think. 

And I’m excited to see what this does for my writing life. Because white space leaves room for ideas. 

Happy writing.


how to bust out of a rut {2 of 4}


how to bust out of a rut {1 of 4}