what’s saving my life right now

I recently started listening to the Lazy Genius podcast with Kendra Adachi (thank you to my friend Erica for this rec!), and she does a quarterly episode called What’s Saving My Life Right Now.

So, in homage to Kendra, here’s MY what’s-saving-my-life list.

(These are not necessarily recommendations for YOU; they’re just a window into my own life and what’s working for ME.)

My writing practice. I’m revising my second novel and I’m obsessed with everything about it: the revision process, my characters, the plot, EVERYTHING. More of this please!

What’s working: I’m writing something light and easy, which really works for this season of my life when I’m still grieving. My writing ritual - journaling, reading from a book that inspires me, drawing an oracle card, lighting a candle - is really working. Joy from start to finish.

Acupuncture. I’ve struggled with chronic fatigue for about twelve years, and I feel better now than I have in twelve years. Acupuncture is a huge part of that for me.

My Silk + Sonder planner. If it’s not in my planner it doesn’t get done. I use a combo of digital tools (a brain dump Google doc and Asana) and my analogue Silk + Sonder planner to get everything done. It works for me!!

Baking. I’ve written here before about how much I love baking. No one is more surprised than me about this; I hated baking up until last year.

I’m obsessed with baking shows (Great British Bakeoff, Nadiya Bakes, Zoe Bakes) and once I got the gluten-free cookbook Baked to Perfection, all bets were off. I’ve made lots of cookies, brownies, muffins, cakes and pies and it’s a delight. I’ve also finally had some success with gluten free bread from the book Gluten-Free Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.

Therapy. My therapist regularly reminds me that the acute stage of grief is two years. The world does not function this way AT ALL so I need those reminders.

My new armchair. I’m 5’3” and I just bought myself an armchair for my office that is me-sized. I can, you know, lean against the back and still have my feet on the floor. It’s heaven. I curl up with a blanket, look out the window, read, journal, whatever. Best.

Identifying the things saving my life right now brought me so much joy.


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