
My best friend Tam (founder of Reclaim Your Space) taught me years ago that celebration = nourishment.

I’m convinced that one reason a lot of published authors feel like frauds is because they have not fully celebrated their achievements. 

Celebration is a way of integrating our accomplishments into our nervous systems. 

I’m also convinced that celebration is fuel for the journey.

By celebrating small wins along the way, you give yourself the fuel to keep going. (Writing a book takes a long time.)

Celebration does not have to include alcohol, spending a lot of money (or any money at all) or any kind of social gathering. 

Some of my favorite celebrations: 

  • A nap

  • Extra reading time

  • A walk in the sunshine (even when it’s below freezing)

  • A latte at my favorite cafe

  • A lunch date with a friend

Wherever you are in the writing process… celebrate your progress. 

Celebrate, then write.

See how it feels. 


✨Let your book surprise you


it’s not about the painting